Select Projects

Select Projects

Select Projects

Sensitizing Audiences on the Dangers of High Salt Consumption 🔒

Data Story: What Will 21st Century Bring for Workers and Economies in Trans-Atlantic Legacy Cities?

A Collective Intelligence Platform for the Labour Market 🔒

Leveraging Mobile Technology to Document and Map Street Vendor Data 🔒

Helping Citizens Understand Budget Allocations for Their Neighborhood

Annual Report for Micro-finance

Assessing the Quality of Urban Life through Budget Allocations for Cities 🔒

Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States: Improving Lives by Helping State Governments Deliver Better Development Outcomes 🔒

Reimagining Employability: 10 Million Apprenticeships in 10 Years

A Digital Home for a Research Organization Dedicated to Building an Inclusive World of Work 🔒

A Data-driven Approach to Measure the Quantity and Quality of Jobs

India Electric Mobility Index

Creating Happier Workforces for Safer Workplaces 🔒

Mapping the organization structure of the government 🔒

Budgets as a Black Box: Shedding Light on Budget Allocations in Cities 🔒

Testing the Accuracy of India's Economic Census 🔒

Tackling Corruption Through the Collective Energy of Citizens

An Innovation Toolkit to Tackle Malnutrition

An Information Portal to Make Air Pollution Personal 🔒

Reducing the Future Burden of Cervical Cancer 🔒

A Change Package to Prevent Neonatal Mortality

Anti-hypertensive Drug Factsheets

Guides to prevent Hypertension 🔒

A Caregivers Guide for Emotional Health 🔒